It's amazing how times flies. My last blog entry was in 2023....a lot has happened since then.
We are now regular attendees at a number of food festivals across the South West - specifically the amazing Eat:Festivals ( which are free to attend along with Bridgwater Food Festivals too.
You can also find me at the last Farmers' Markets of the month in Cirencester (4th Saturday) and Cheltenham (last Friday) as well as the regular monthly Somerset Farmers' Market in Keynsham (2nd Saturday of the month).
A new departure for 2024 are the Artisan markets held in Shaftesbury, Sherborne and Dorchester check with us to ensure we are there - although 'Pack Monday' in October in Sherborne is a definite.
On occasion we also attend Salisbury Markets, Bradford on Avon, Melksham and Marlborough as well as many other summer events - steam fairs, fetes, and other local events like Taste of Corsham, Malmesbury Petticoat Lane, and Late Night Shopping towards Christmas too.
It's not just me - I have a small team of friendly stall helpers who dip in and out of the stalls helping me increase my coverage and I am extremely thankful and fortunate to have them - but always looking for more stall help if you're interested contact me.
2024 has been a tough start for the bees - the cold, wet and cool weather has made colonies struggle to get nectar into their nests so we have had to resort to emergency feeding where necessary to keep colonies alive - indeed a lot of wild colonies seem to have died out this spring locally because they aren't managed with a timely intervention from the beefarmer.
But I remain positive for the season, and we have secured not only a fantastic site for Heather honey production again, but also for Borage honey as well.
All this extra work means a small expansion in equipment - we now have a dedicated extracting room and have purchased a van (shortly to be sign written) to help move equipment about.
Onwards and Upwards ! Thank you for your continued support.